Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

I cannot believe I'm not out on Black Friday. I'll have to admit it is fun but is there really anything that I need bad enough to fight the crowd? Besides, I have plenty to do here at home.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I truly have a lot to be thankful for this year. Just looking at my blog brings to mind my wonderful vacation this year without a glitch! I also have wonderful family and friends who I enjoy and who are always there with love and support. I've really enjoyed re-connecting with so many people. I am notorious for not keeping in touch so I'm now having a blast doing that.

So many people have so little these days it really makes us look at the non-monetary things that have to be thankful for. Things like a beautiful Texas sunset or the gorgeous Arizona desert or that big beautiful hole in the ground in northern Arizona. It may be something as simple as waking up with a home, food, and a job or simply waking up period.

We all need to remember that Thanksgiving is about more than the food, more than the football....

Check out the Texas Pumpkin Pie. What a surprise treat!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Beautiful fall day at TMS. Love the infield. Missed the TV commentary. Learned to use Twitter for updates.